The end of the Spring semester has seen me get too busy. I barely had time to read for myself. I did re-read Crime and Punishment for my World Lit course. I carried a volume around with me during this time, reading when I could between taking kids to Scouts, soccer practice, and choir rehersals. And people kept looking at me funny or making comments about how dull they think the book is. However, this is, quite simply, one of the greatest novels ever written. One should read it and be afraid that there is a little Raskolnikov in all of us. Hopefully we find the Sonia in there too.
What I did manage to read was Sinners Welcome by Mary Karr. (Click the link on her name to read the fine title poem.) More on the book (and her memoir The Liar's Club) later. April was National Poetry Month, and I did try to read a poem each day to my classes. I kept a list with a few links, but I think I saved it on the computer at work. Maymester kept me busy after Spring was over, but I did get a start on some more books.
Hopefully I'll blog a bit more as the summer gets a rolling. Until then, peace and joy.