Really, I should be paying attention to the new disc by Pat Metheny's trio and my discovery of the his drummer's first album as a leader, but first I have to get to some rock business.
I have to voice my displeasure at the inclusion of Madonna in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I've been upset before to see performers that I didn't really like, but I could always chalk up many of those choices to a difference in taste or I could say that groups like The Sex Pistols and The Ramones had some sort of influence on rock music. But Madonna? Come on! This is a woman whose entire career is not really about music, but about attention. She gets attention by being shocking and is not shocking in an attempt to create good music.
Of course, I must admit that part of my problem with the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is sour grapes. Not one progressive rock group or performer has been inducted, a prejudice that should indicate to fans of good music just what the business is really about. See the list for yourself.
Speaking of progressive rock, I just browsed the website for Kansas and found some interesting news. First, they are touring and playing with local symphony orchestras again. Too bad they don't have dates set up for Dallas. Second, four members of the band (Ehart, Williams, Ragsdale and Greer) are collaborating on what looks to be an cool little project called Native Windows. The samples sound cool, though I wonder how hard core fans are going to take the music. I dig it.

And speaking of iTunes, my journey there recently brought me a single version of "Dust in the Wind" performed by former Kansas mate, John Elephante. No rendition is going to match the original, but the song itself is so good that I've hardly ever heard a bad interpretation. This one is keyboard and lead guitar (instead of violin) driven. Perhaps a little heavy on the background vocals, but I enjoy it nonetheless. I'm glad to see Elephante doing something worthwhile. I loved his stuff with Mastedon, was not too thrilled with the first couple solo outings, but he can grow on one.

Okay, now on to jazz. Pat Metheny's latest releases include a trio project titled Day Trip and a rerelease of his magnificent Secret Story. Any reader of this blog knows that I am smitten with Metheny work, finding room in my collection for pretty much anything he has worked on (yes, including ZTFS). I admit, however, that Day Trip is having to grow on me. I enjoy listening to it quite a bit, but it hasn't knocked my socks off the way the other trio albums have. I can't place my finger on why. I can say that one of the things that makes this stand out above the other trio discs is the virtuosity of all the band mates and how all three seem to have plenty of room to play and show their chops without losing the whole trio feel. Christian McBride and Antonio Sanchez are terrific, as always. Unlike Trio 99>00, this project really gets the most out of the talents of each performer. More on Sanchez' own disc later.
Secret Story is one of my all time favorite albums. I've never done a desert island disc thing here, but this is definately one that would be on that list. This new re-mastered version is really nice, sounding great. But the highlight is the addition of a disc including five songs that did not come with the original. These are all terrific tunes, a must for anyone. I also recommend listening to Metheny's podcast discussing this re-release.