My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Poetry lovers and cat lovers have often intersected in the same people, and so this book should appeal to both. But it is really for those find cats amusing. I would not say the book is only for those who are addicted to cat videos, but poetry lovers are going to have been tolerant to get through it.
Authored by Francesco Marciuliano, the creator of the comic strip Sally Forth, I Could Pee on This is really cute and at times very funny. As a whole, it isn't a strong collection, but a fine way to pass the time in a doctor's waiting room or as you pretend to watch on of your partner's favorite t.v. shows.
There are some nearly clever lines in the collection, like, "besides, I think I can cure/hookworm with my mind" and "Well, I also don't watch you having sex/And let's just say the dog talks." And the senryu titled "Sushi" and the poem "Kubla Kat" are gold. But there is really too little of that quality for the whole group. And adorable pictures only amp up the cute factor, not the quality.