All of the songs on Ode are Mehldau originals. It opens with "M.B.," a nice, but not startling piece. It is followed by the title track. These two, "Twiggy," and "Aquaman" sound, for the most part, like material I've heard before. I like them, but they aren't all that fresh. "26" is a bit like these, but is saved by some interesting chord and time changes as well as a fiery solo. On tunes like "Dream Sketch," the group makes subtle magic. "Bee Blues" and "Stan the Man" are swinging bebop numbers that might surprise listeners. "Kurt Vibe" is a toe-tapping, mid-tempo piece that gives each player plenty of room to solo.I'm not sure what "Wyatt's Eulogy for George Harrison" is about, but the title is appropriate. It sounds like a funky dirge played over a western. "Days of Dilbert Delaney" closes the disc with emotive, Beatlesque flair.
Ode is perhaps not a groundbreaking album. But the project does find Mehldau's trio in fine form, and still stronger than most combos.
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