Monday, December 16, 2002

It has been awhile since I posted anything here. The end of the semester got very hectic and now I'm into the second day of Wintermester. I have done some reading and writing in my personal journal. A couple of poems have also been written. I can't remember what I've posted on the web site lately.

I started a new novel a couple of weeks ago and have not been able to get back to it lately. Perhaps I will post the first chapter when it is written. The central character is a college professor (okay, so that's not orginal...give me a break). The case involves an adjunct professor and the student he's sleeping with who is murdered. I have a brief outline of what I want to do. I really thought this might be a story, but already, I think it is going to shape up to be much longer. Probably a short novel.

Problem is finding time to write. Can't do it even at the times I'm alone. Most of my alone time is in the car. Besides, I've been pretty busy with classes. But a couple of times (last Monday, for example) I have had time, but no motivation. Ack!

Today -- for the time being -- I have both. We shall see.

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